Total price$160.96

Product Description

Receive the benefits of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients - support your metabolic processes and energy levels with B Vitamins, and support your immune system with Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin E. Immune Support: Vitamin C's properties are vital for your body, limiting the damage done by free radicals while supporting immune function and overall well-being. Vitamin D3, the same type of Vitamin D that your body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight, supports immune functions and bone health, while Vitamin E also strengthens your immune system.

Overall Health: B Vitamins are vital for metabolic processes, energy levels, as well as the nervous system. This blend of B vitamins - Vitamin B6, Biotin (B7), B9 (Folate), Vitamin B5 (also called pantothenic acid), and vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) - includes vitamins that perform functions such as aiding in amino acid metabolism, blood cell production, DNA production and regulating gene expression, circulatory health, and supporting energy.

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